General airport data

General airport data

1. Airport reference code:
    · 4D

2. IATA and ICAO location indicators allocated for Chișinău Airport:
    · ICAO code - LUKK
    · IATA code – RMO

3. Condition to operate:
    · IFR – VFR

4. ARP coordinates and site at AD
    · 465540N 0285551E
    · 1795M from THR RWY 08

5. AD operator, address, telephone, telefax,email, AFS, website
    · Post: S.E."Aeroportul International Chisinau",
    · Dacia Bd. 80/3, MD 2026 Chisinau, Republic of MOLDOVA
    · Phone: + 373 22 52 60 60
    · Fax: + 373 22 52 60 87
    · Email:
    · URL:

6. Direction and distance from (city):
    · 1200, 13KM (7.0 NM) from CHIȘINAU city center

7. Runway characteristics
    · 08-26 : 3590 m x 45 m
    · 09-27 : 2383 m x 45 m
    · RWY 09/27 can be activated only if RWY 08/26 is closed
    · RWY 09/27 is used as TWY D when RWY 08/26 is active.